在旧金山,每个月都有一个强身健体意识日,今年10月则是10月18日。 这个众人皆知的Sunday Street是个鼓励大家强身健体的活动节日,街道当天会禁止车辆行驶,整条道路上你会看到在做各种运动的市民们:从骑自行车到瑜伽,老人到小孩。由于平日社区里很少会有运动空间,该活动提供了一个安全愉快的活动场所给当地居民们。快来参与大家,有着这么多人的陪伴,运动健身就会更有动力了!
Valencia St between 26th St and McCoppin St
15th St between Albion St and Caledonia St
19th St between Lapidge St and Lexington St
20th St, first two parking spaces east and west of Valencia St on both sides of the street
Liberty St, first to parking spaces west of Valencia St on both sides of the street
21st St, first two parking spaces east and west of Valencia St on both sides of the street
22nd St, first two parking spaces east and west of Valencia St on both sides of the street
23rd St between San Jose Ave and Bartlett St