如果你收到一则自己手机号码传来的短信,请不要点开它。这是专家和 Verizon 的建议,因为 Verizon 已经收到了许多关于客户收到垃圾邮件的投诉,这些短信似乎来自他们自己的电话号码。
Verizon 的社区论坛包括周日发布的一则发文,详细介绍了最近增加的诈骗方法:发送短信通知收件人,他们已经支付了三月份的帐单,可以透过点击链接获得免费礼物。The Verge 的记者 Chris Welch 写道,当他收到这样的短信并点击一个提供免费礼物的链接时,他被引导到俄罗斯国家电视网络 Channel One Russia 的网站。
I’ve seen a significant increase in spam texts, including spoofed messages, that appear to come from my own mobile number.@VerizonSupport @Verizon can’t your network determine if a message from its own accounts is legitimate? This seems like it would be easy to filter out. pic.twitter.com/MxgjfHQUyg
— Joe Fagan (@joefagan) March 29, 2022
Verizon customer support is taking a different tone today after many reports of customers receiving spam texts from their own number.
— Chris Welch (@chriswelch) March 29, 2022
Instead of the usual generic responses, Verizon now says its teams are working to resolve this specific issue.
https://t.co/KNDg1dAevj pic.twitter.com/d6sdNvtO5a
Verizon 在 Twitter 上呼吁用户不要点击该链接,称最好的方式是删除短信或消息。
今天刚收到一个 毫无犹豫的删掉了