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一段在 TikTok 上疯传的视频最近引起了人们的关注,播放量接近百万。视频中的女子 Karyn Wilson 分享了她反复生病的离奇经历,最后意外发现罪魁祸首竟然是她一直在用的金属水杯。

Wilson 透露,自己一度频繁出现类似流感的症状,比如酸痛、疲惫和呼吸困难。医生给她开了类固醇,但症状依然持续了六到九个月,始终没有缓解。她感到十分困惑:“每次我好不容易恢复一点儿,就去健身房锻炼,但不到一周,又会因为这种莫名其妙的疾病倒下。我完全搞不清到底发生了什么。”

经过仔细思考,Wilson 发现每次生病都和去健身房有关。她开始考虑,健身房环境没有什么变化,那么问题会不会出在她随身携带的物品上?这时她意识到,唯一的变化就是自己换了一个新的水杯。于是她上网查了一下这个水杯,结果发现一些网站警告说它可能含有铅和镉。她立刻停用了这个杯子,没想到此后身体竟然真的好了起来。

虽然暂时把这个杯子放到一边,Wilson 并没有立即丢掉它。她想着以后找机会测试一下。结果,有一次她骑自行车时不小心又用了这个水杯,第二天便再次出现类似流感的症状。那一刻她终于确定,真的是这个杯子在作祟。于是她彻底抛弃了它。

然而,故事并没有就此结束。两年后,Wilson 在 Target 购买了一套新的锅具,没想到又开始出现和之前完全相同的症状。她再次上网查找相关信息,发现这些锅具也含有铅和镉,而慢炖时这些有害物质可能会渗入到食物中。她在视频中总结道:“如果你出现类似流感的症状,或者感觉不对劲,强烈建议检查一下你的水瓶、锅具,或者你生活中改变了的东西。”


@karynsmithwilson I mentioned approximately 15 years ago a metal water bottle made me quite sick for 6-9 months on & off. You asked me to tell you more about it. I had about 6-9 months that I kept getting flulike symptoms. Achy, fever, severe fatigue and then respiratory symptoms including wheezing and coughing. I kept getting put on steroids which made me gain a ton of weight. Each time I recovered I would start going to the gym again and within a week the illness would return. Finally, I thought long and hard about what had changed in my routine and gym as it seemed I got sick only after going there. They hadn’t gotten new floors or any major renovations. I realized I had a new metal water bottle. I looked it up online and on one site it was said to contain lead and cadmium. I stopped using it. I did keep it in hopes of getting it tested one day. I accidentally used it one day, months later, on a bike ride. The following day I had the same old symptoms. Years later the same exact illness happened after buying an Original Green pan set (“non toxic ceramic pan” 🙄). I used the pan to simmer something for hours and another time to finish cooking something in the oven. Both times the same symptoms returned. I returned the pans to Target for a full refund. I now use a glass water bottle and only All Clad Stainless Steel pans that are made in the US. #Hashimotos #Hypothyroid #Thyroid #thyroidhealing #HealthAwareness #leadpoisoning #MTHFR #AllClad ♬ original sound - Karyn Smith Wilson

根据水瓶公司 Hydro Cell 的一篇博客文章,金属水杯通常是安全的,但前提是它们必须由高品质的不锈钢制成,如 18/8 食品级或 304 型。否则,低品质的金属水瓶可能会将有害化学物质渗入到水中,影响健康。

另外,Cleveland Clinic 的专家也提醒,保持可重复使用水杯的清洁非常重要。初级保健医生 Marianne Sumego 指出,接触杯子的任何东西都可能传播细菌。她说:“水杯上有很多角落和缝隙,如果不彻底清洗,就会滋生细菌和霉菌。”因此,建议大家定期清洗水杯的每个部分,以确保饮用的安全性。

来源:  Daily Dot
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